Visiting a BNI chapter? Carry a proper badge!

If you’re attending a network meeting, you’re taking your business cards with you. What you probably don’t have is a proper badge. The hosting organisation may provide you with one, but maybe they won’t. In which case you’ll end up using your business card by means of a badge. The size fits but that’s about it. It’s unreadable at talking distance. Make yourself more approachable and increase your communicability with a clear and inviting – but above all: readable badge.

Fill out the form, upload your logo and click the submit button. The name tag (or badge insert) will be emailed to you in seconds. There are now two layouts in this demo, you can cut out at will. Many badges were for BNI meetings so we include the refreshed BNI style (and you can add your own logo). 

Instead of your surname you could fill in your email address

A small donation is always welcome but I’d rather see you taking a free trial for the Visitor Kits!

Logo uploads are moved to PREMIUM plans: you need to be a member of a registered chapter, using the placemats and/or visitor kits.


  1. Andrea

    Useful and effective service

  2. Roberta Sormani

    Prodotti e tecnologia per l’ufficio

    • Anton

      Jullie chaptergasten zijn als het goed is al voorzien van een badge (en de rest) via , dus ik denk dat je je ‘mjservices’ gasten bedoelt.
      ik heb tijdelijk een demo-pagina open gezet voor je: . Dat kan je werk besparen want je maakt er tientallen van deze badges in één keer mee. Dat scheelt ook papier want er passen tien badges op 1 A4tje.

    • Anton

      Ik ben zelf ook fit20 klant!

    • Anton

      Graag gedaan!

  3. žiag


    • Anton

      Thanks! 🙂

    • Anton

      Graag gedaan!


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You have a great badge now.

Your visitors will be able to call you by your name. Did you know it’s quite easy to make weekly materials for your visitors? They’ll be impressed by your professionalism, they’ll feel more comfortable and involved. And you’ll be able to call them by their names too, even when they’re seated behind their table cards in the same house style.

Read all about it on our Mission page or discover how easy it by clicking Create
free badge template for a name tag

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